Bethany Special School

The Bethany Special School began in 1983 under the supervision of Dr SL Kashiram. Children from the special school are unique in their abilities and at Bethany, we’re all about helping them discover this uniqueness. Children from the Bethany Special School are divided into eight classes, according to their chronological age and ability. In the classroom children are taught functional academics, language and communication skills, social skills, ADL skills (Activities of Daily Living), gross and fine motor skills, prevocational and vocational skills. They also attend computer classes twice a week to help keep up with modern technology.

Each child has an IEP (Individual Education Plan) formulated by the Principal at the beginning of the academic year. Assessments are done thrice a year. Reports are given to the parents during the Parent Teacher meetings. Children are also given Speech and Occupational Therapy if required. The school works from 8.30 am to 3 pm from Monday to Friday. Some children are taken to Aero Fitness Centre for Aerobics. The children are also exposed to dance and singing for a variety learning experience.

Amongst the various training programs we have for our differently abled children are:

Craft: Our craft unit is a cluster for many activities like diya making , painting, pottery, candle making and cross stich to name a few. All our children are involved in various stages of making each of these items.

Bakery Unit: This Vocational Training Unit was started in Jan 2004. In our fully equipped Bakery Unit children are trained to do various Vocational activities like giving shapes to biscuits, keeping the bakery surroundings clean and ensure hygienic packing. Some of the products made in our bakery unit include bread, buns, pav, dinner rolls, biscuits (various kinds) cakes, birthday cakes, puffs (egg and veg), doughnuts, muffins and a whole host of other goodies. These are popular among staff, well wishers and corporates.

Occupational Therapy: We have a well qualified occupational therapist Mrs. Devikala who works with our children to give them her expertise. The occupational therapy unit currently has a lot of scope for expansion.

Loom Unit: This is one of our other vocational training units. We have one big loom, two small looms and two frames to make foot mats. We also have three sewing machines, where our older girls are trained to stitch jute bags, aprons and edges of the kitchen napkins. In this unit children are trained in activities like weaving, rolling, cutting, sequencing and stitching. All products from these activities can be availed by contacting the Bethany Special School directly.

Speech therapy: Speech therapy professionals from the Dr. S. R. Chandrasekhar Institute of Speech and Hearing visit the Bethany Special School to give hands on sessions to our lovely children. These therapists are licensed and trained to provide support and coaching to the students who really need it.

At the Bethany Special School, our goal is to be able to have our children live lives just like any other. We teach them to become independent so that fending for themselves isn’t really much of a task anymore. We believe in the power of God’s unique gifts to each one of us, and at Bethany we aim to help every child discover this Gift from God!

To learn more or apply for admissions in the academic year 2025-26.